Member-only story
What Happens When you Walk for an Hour a Day…
I first started thinking about committing to making 365 small changes over four years ago now — in fact it was January 2020. I’d decided that instead of making great big grand New Year’s resolutions that year, I’d do things differently and I’d start it by committing to 365, smaller; but more sustainable; life changes. I was doing pretty well for a month or two, and then a global pandemic hit and our world became strange and unsettling and we had to cope with a new normal.
Since then, we’ve survived two local lock-downs here (South Wales; United Kingdom). I’ve found that there have been a few things that have really helped me to get through it all. Firstly my family and close friends, red wine, chocolate and yoga (which I have written about previously; I haven’t written about the red wine or the chocolate yet and not all the family and friends either, so look out!). But since the start of that year, I began a new habit of walking as much as I can, and for at least an hour a day.
Walking is just so simple that I don’t think you can underestimate how much the simplicity of it actually helps you to make it a daily habit. You don’t need a fancy gym subscription, you just need a comfortable pair of walking shoes, hiking boots or trainers and probably a waterproof coat (if you’re walking here anyway!). You can literally open your front door and…