What business can learn from art
One of the interesting things about our business is that I am an accountant/book-keeper by trade and my sister is a digital artist and graphic designer. It made me think about whether there was a connection between art and business; and more specifically; whether there was anything the business world can take from the world of art.
And I think the answer is that there is probably loads that we can learn from the world of art and artists; it can help bring imagination, creativity, authenticity, attention to detail and an understanding of different perspectives.
It’s common sense that we’re unlikely to find all the answers to our challenges in the world of rational, logical and scientific thinking. Making your own art, or appreciating an artists work can allow you to get lost in your own world for a while. Combining right-brain imagination with left-brain logic and analysis increases the capacity for new ideas and insights. Artists think outside of the box and can inspire you to. They see more than what is in front of them, they re-interpret things using the raw materials that they already have and they push the boundaries of what’s possible. It’s not just creative businesses that can benefit from artistic input, thinking imaginatively and encouraging creativity in any business will help you stand out from your competition.
Something that really resonates in the art world is authenticity, honesty and transparency and these are great business ethics to have as it will help people relate better to you and your business. Art is an integral part of the artist, it’s the core of who they are not just something that they do. If you’re going to start a business do something that you absolutely love and are totally passionate about.
Artists often pay very close attention to detail (as do accountants!), some details might be hugely important and others less so and that’s equally important in business. Deciding what you need to pay the most attention to and being focussed on the right details. Paying attention to detail is a skill and mindset that is so important as it is always the little things that matter, like following up with a customer quickly after they reach out to you.
Drawing or painting images illustrates how differently we see things. Art is very personal and internal and we all see a work of art differently, from our own perspectives and this can help us to appreciate that in business, and in life in general, many points of view contribute to the whole.
“Good business is the best art” — Andy Warhol