Tell Me Why I Don’t Like Mondays

Janet Thomas
3 min readApr 12, 2021


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

I don’t know that many people who actually like Mondays; most people I know actively dislike them. I wouldn’t go quite as far as to say I hate them with a passion, but I have to admit they aren’t currently my favourite day of the week. And Monday is actually bin day in our house, so that just makes it doubly worse.

I feel like I don’t want to hate them. I feel like I need to learn to love them or at least respect them for what they are and like them just a little bit better.

So what do I actually like about a Monday, I suppose that’s a good place to start as any. Well, it does make me feel like it’s sort of a fresh start. Particularly if I’ve slipped on my healthy eating plan over the weekend. Clean slate — don’t step on the scales until at least Wednesday and it’ll all be fine kind of vibe goes on.

I do like catching up with my colleagues in the office, I like getting back into the structure and routine of a normal working day, there’s something comforting and familiar about that.

I usually have a fresh perspective on things that are still to be dealt with from the week before. Having a bit of time out over the weekend does allow you to think things over even when you don’t realise you are. Quite often new solutions will present themselves on a Monday morning.

There’s also the fact I get to start a fresh to do list for the week, all mega exciting stuff. I also have loads of energy as I’m well rested and it’s actually work wise probably my most productive day, I rattle through loads. So really it’s not all bad.

And then I get home and I have to do the f***ing bins.

Hmmm. Monday’s are just lame, let’s face it.

So I’ve just googled, “how can I make Monday’s more interesting”. The problem with this is, this is other people’s ideas of what they find interesting.

Anyway here are some of the ideas…

- Get up earlier (yeah right)

- No-Pants Mondays! (I kid you not, but they probably meant wear shorts instead)

- Eat breakfast (why? don’t you normally?)

- Make Monday your cheat day (not sure that works after Friday, Saturday and Sunday in my house)

- Make more of your commute (it only takes ten minutes and for most people probably less than that at the moment)

- Have a Monday morning ritual (I kind of like that one just not sure what I need to do with that just yet)

- Deep clean your home on a Sunday (okay, you lost me on deep and clean and definitely not on a Sunday!)

- Take Monday’s off (I do like the sound of that one)

- Have something fun planned for after work (hmm bins)

- Learning something new (I actually do like the idea of a dedicated reading night)

- Embrace the fact you hate Mondays so you can really appreciate a Friday (yeah dig that one)

- Switch off properly at the weekend (genuinely great advice)

- Give yourself breathing space in your schedule on Monday (another good one)

- Have lunch with a good friend (I actually love this idea, even if at the moment it might have to be sandwiches in the park)

- Have some chocolate (if I really, really have to!)

- Be Beyoncé for the day (omg I love this idea and am definitely stealing it)

So look out next Monday, I’m all over you, embracing you. Getting up early, cooking myself pancakes (that’s really not going to happen but I might call in for a Costa), going for lunch in the park and being Beyoncé at least for my ten minute commute. Allowing myself to be as grumpy as I like so that I can be happier on Friday. Stuffing my face with chocolate as a reward for putting the bins out, then curling up with a good book for the rest of the night. Perfect.

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Janet Thomas
Janet Thomas

Written by Janet Thomas

I'm a book-keeper/finance consultant who's passionate about motorbikes, greyhounds and writing positive uplifting stories and articles

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