How To Never Give Up On Your Dreams
“Every great story on the planet happened when someone decided not to give up, but kept going no matter what” — Spryte Loriano
I have had many dreams in my life. Some have always been there, and some I have ditched in favour of new ones. Some of the things I have dreamed about have become a reality, and some things, well some things just..haven’t. And that’s okay, my dreams, are just that, my dreams.
Dreams are not tangible goals, they are your visionary ideas for the future, they are you tapping into your creativity and imagining something new or different for yourself. And your dreams are yours, and yours alone. You own them, you can change them if and whenever you want to. You don’t have to explain your dreams to anyone else if you choose not to.
So many people give up on their dreams. Relentlessly pursuing your dreams is hard work, because to actually achieve them takes work. It’s all too easy to make excuses and not do the work. But then you have to face the consequences and often that is regret. The thoughts late at night of what might have been if you’d just kept working towards them.
So how can you make sure you never give up on your dreams:-
- Get in touch with your dreams
- Work out a strategy — break it down into small steps
- Have a support network around you
- Make sure you celebrate the journey towards your goals — the small wins along the way
- Learn from setbacks: reframe and start again
- Most of all, you must believe in yourself
Firstly, you need to be totally in touch with what your dreams actually are. So think about it, write them down and do this every day. Eventually you’ll see the recurrent themes even if you’re not too sure at first. Once you’re more certain of your dreams, you’ll be more inclined to want to pursue them.
Don’t forget that what is important to you today can, or may change. You don’t have to hold on to the same dreams forever. Each new day, you get to decide if they are still important to you or not.
Next you need a strategy for how you are going to achieve each of your dreams. Work out the smallest of steps you can take towards them and a clear timeframe. This might look like putting a specific time each day aside to work on your dream or to practice the skills you need. You decide your timeframe and set your own goals.
Lack of support from the people closest to you can be a major factor for some people in not achieving their dreams. If this is how it feels for you then there are some things you can do.
You can change the people you surround yourself with and/or you can find a new tribe.
And remember, you are not a tree. Although we all have roots, you can always move if you want to.
If you are surrounded by people who are constantly putting you down or belittling your dreams, then you need to find that support elsewhere.
This could be by joining an online support group or it could be in person through joining a club. Have a think about where you might find like minded souls and seek them out. It will make a massive difference getting moral support from people who are interested in the same things as you, and you can learn from their experiences.
Working towards your dreams should feel more than just a checklist of goals to tick off one by one as you achieve them. If you’ve found something you are passionate about, it should also be a fun and enjoyable experience.
Try and think about how far you’ve already come, and to really appreciate each of the steps you’ve taken and achieved already. This will also help you to keep going when things get tough.
You can think back to how you’ve overcome obstacles already so you know that small setbacks on the way are exactly that, just a setback.
You can learn from these challenges, work out how to get around them, reframe the setback as an opportunity to try again with more knowledge and experience under your belt or take a different path all together.
Life does get in the way. It throws all sorts at us sometimes, but if you look at these as challenges to get around and not great big barriers then you’ll always keep moving towards your end goals.
You will always be the deciding factor in whether or not you give up on your dreams. It’s your self belief; your commitment; your confidence in your ability to get there, that will get you there. Don’t give up.
“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverence and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.” — Marie Curie
I’m on my 365 day journey, #365small changes, what difference are you going to make in your life?
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