Accept Your Uniqueness and Use it to Your Advantage

Janet Thomas
3 min readMay 2, 2021


Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

There’s something really powerful about not giving a f**k about what anyone else thinks about you. I used to care a lot about what people thought when I walked into a room. Now I really don’t give a shit. It’s not that I don’t care about anyone else’s feelings, far from it. I just don’t care if people judge me. And it’s liberating.

And I think this is one of the great things of growing older and into your own skin more. What was difficult to do when you were young because you just wanted to fit in, becomes somehow easier. You start to realise that being different and unique is something to be celebrated.

“What sets you apart can sometimes feel like a burden and it’s not. And a lot of the time, it’s what makes you great. So, I kind of sound like I live in a van down by the river right now” — Emma Stone

We all have our individual traits, skills and abilities. There will never be another person exactly like you, even twins are different. When you know your strengths you can play to them. Forget about being like everyone else, accept the things that you can’t change about yourself and focus on what you excel at. The more that you know yourself and what makes you tick, the more you know how to move yourself forward in life.

True diversity is letting every human and animal be what whatever they are, and valuing them for it. With no expectations and no judgement. Nature doesn’t try to be anything other than exactly what it is. So why do we try and make people be the same, like some stinking homogeneous mass.

Be whatever you want to be and be proud of it. A lot of people have always thought that what I do for a day job is boring (I’m an accountant/book-keeper — I know right). But I like it, I love working with figures and getting lost in the detail of it all and it’s what I’m really good at. I’m not going to shy away from that. I know I have other passions, I love writing and finding out what makes people tick and helping anyone who might be stuck move forward in some way. I’m a unique combination of my experiences, my abilities and my personality. The things that come naturally are the things that make you special.

A very wise coach once said to me to allow myself to be more vulnerable and to speak my truth more. I was always afraid of being judged so that really resonated with me and I’ve done a lot of work to get to a place where I don’t feel that same need for external validation that I used to. I’m still working on speaking my truth more.

“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” — Goethe

Feeling really comfortable with all that you are means that you need to get to know yourself really well and value the unique things about yourself.

Wouldn’t life be so dull if we were all clones of each other, I mean seriously borrrrrring. Why don’t we just be more accepting and allow people to be whatever they want to be as long as they not harming anyone else in the process. Why is it even your business?

“Embrace your uniqueness. Time is too short to be living someone else’s life” — Kobi Yamada

I’m on my 365 day journey, #365small changes, what difference are you going to make in your life?

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Janet Thomas
Janet Thomas

Written by Janet Thomas

I'm a book-keeper/finance consultant who's passionate about motorbikes, greyhounds and writing positive uplifting stories and articles

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